GUYS: You often fall into these situations with the hopes that you'll end up finally hooking up with the girl, or simply because actually working towards finding a real relationship can take way too much work and effort. If you're in that situation with a girl, the chances of you hooking up with her are slim. You've been boxed into the friend category and it's unlikely she'll have an epiphany ad realize you're the man of her dreams ( that usually only happens in romantic comedies). Give the friendship some breathing room and spend a night out with the boys. You might actually find a great girl who doesn't just want to split a dessert with you and discuss the latest Resse Witherspoon Rom-Com over the phone.
Don't get me wrong peoples, opposite sex friendships are perfectly fine and fun to have, just don't use the friendship and the person to replace a void something that you know they cannot fill. It's unfair to both of you.
Comments, Suggestions ? Let me know!
'Till next time!